Lightweight Structures Iteratively Created and Optimized

The additive manufacturing tool from CoreTechnologie now supports a new approach for the creation, optimization and validation of lattice structures.

The additive manufacturing tool from CoreTechnologie now supports a new approach for the creation, optimization and validation of lattice structures.

With the advanced lattice module lightweight structures can be created quickly and easily and then transferred directly to the calculation software for validation the new Nastran interface.  Image courtesy of CoreTechnologie.

In the latest version of the 3D printing software 4D_Additive, CoreTechnologie adds a Nastran interface and enables ability to quickly create diverse lattice structures and validate them with simulation tools.

In the latest version of CoreTechnologie's 4D_Additive software, the additive manufacturing tool now supports a new approach for the creation, optimization and validation of lattice structures. With the advanced lattice module lightweight structures can be created quickly and easily and then transferred directly to the calculation software for validation the new Nastran interface.  

Optimization at the Touch of a Button

With the new Nastran interface, complex 3D lattice geometries can be transferred directly to finite element analysis tools. The integration of the Nastran standard format into the 4D_Additive software makes it possible to create and seamlessly convert lattice structures and alternative part designs to the calculation software within seconds, the company reports.

The 4D_Additive software provides tools for an easy creation of 20 different 3D lattice structure types. CAD solids can be filled with internal structures and can also be replaced by external structures. In particular, gyroid patterns and trabecular structures to emulate natural lattices, such as found in bones, are used to generate new designs to optimize the weight, stability, stress distribution and shock absorption of components.

The use of different lattice types and the variation of the density as well as a variable cell size over the course of the component allows the adaptation of the geometry to the required properties with simultaneously optimized component properties. In contrast to topology optimization with this approach classical part designs are quickly optimized iteratively and can be validated with simulation tools on the fly.

The new 4D_Additive version with Nastran interface will be delivered in early 2022.

Further information is available here.

Sources: Press materials received from the company and additional information gleaned from the company’s website.

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