What’s New in MecSoft CAM 2023?

Various enhancements have been added, bugs fixed, and performance has been improved. 

Various enhancements have been added, bugs fixed, and performance has been improved. 

VisualCAD enhancements for 2023 include a number of new curve modeling commands, new grid options, and a new curve thickness parameter, to name a few.

With the release of RhinoCAM 2023 and VisualCAD/CAM 2023 from MecSoft, new functionality and changes are being introduced.

Various enhancements have been added, bugs fixed, and performance has been improved.

VisualCAD 2023 Enhancements

VisualCAD enhancements for 2023 include a number of new curve modeling commands, new grid options, and a new curve thickness parameter, to name a few.

New Curve Modeling Commands

VisualCAD 2022 offers ways to create Rectangles, Ellipses, and ways to Close and Split Curves.


In addition to the current “Corner to Corner” rectangle creation mode, additional rectangle creation modes have been added. Create rectangles by:

  • 3 Points
  • Center & Corner
  • Vertical


The new Ellipse commands allow you to draw an ellipse by selecting a center point and a horizontal diameter point. The Ellipse Diameter command allows you to draw an ellipse by selecting two horizontal Diameter points. A new Ellipse Foci command allows you to draw an ellipse that focuses about three points.

New Curve Editing Commands

Two new curve editing commands will allow you to close a curve automatically by adding a straight line between the two endpoints of the curve. Also new is a Split Curve command that supports an Honor Nesting option. Nested curves can now be split while maintaining the nested conditions.

Close Curve

A new “Close Curves” command has been implemented. This allows curves that are nearly closed to be clamped shut by moving the endpoints or by the creation of a line segment between the end and the start points of such curves.

Sources: Press materials received from the company and additional information gleaned from the company’s website.

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