SPACE 3D Launches and Makes Large-Scale SLA 3D Printing Affordable for Everyone

Now, beginners, hobbyists and professionals can achieve fast, high-resolution and large-scale SLA 3D printing.

Now, beginners, hobbyists and professionals can achieve fast, high-resolution and large-scale SLA 3D printing.

Image courtesy of Space 3D.

A new entry into the desktop 3D printing category is giving users the capabilities of SLA printing in an easy-to-use, high-performance, stylish design, according to the manufacturer. Now, beginners, hobbyists and professionals can achieve fast, high-resolution and large-scale SLA 3D printing capabilities at an affordable price.

SPACE 3D reportedly combines the best of SLA printing: high speed, accuracy and large-scale printing in a compact desktop design. The SLA printer offers large-scale build volumes up to 215x135x200 mm. Further, it includes a 140W UV LED Matrix for more uniform lamp exposure that ensures better print quality and higher success rates while printing at speeds up to 40 mm/h, according to the manufacturer.

The SPACE 3D delivers an XY resolution of 85μm and Z resolution of 10μm. The team that developed SPACE 3D also kept new users in mind and included beginner-friendly features, such as a smart touchscreen and one-click printing, the company reports.

SPACE 3D is being introduced via Kickstarter with special price incentives and deals for early adopters. SPACE 3D is available now. Learn more here.

Sources: Press materials received from the company and additional information gleaned from the company’s website.

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