New Release of Flyingshapes Is Out

flyingshapes GmbH builds next-generation VR software solutions for industrial designers.

flyingshapes GmbH builds next-generation VR software solutions for industrial designers.

flyingshapes seeks to turn 3D modeling into a design experience. Image courtesy of flyingshapes.

The newest release of flyingshapes from flyingshapes is now out.

New features include:

New CAD Import/Export Highlights

You can now export to CAD tools like Alias, modify curves, and import them back into Flyingshapes. The imported curves will be editable just like in Alias.

Lock Layer Function

In the layer menu, you can now lock a layer to prevent any unwanted changes.

Painter Tool Enhancements

The painter tool now includes an eraser feature, allowing you to easily hide or remove segments from your C3D surface. This enables creation of holes in otherwise closed surfaces.

Curve Calligraphy Adjustment

Adjusting the calligraphy of your curves can by done by pushing the thumbstick up or down while hovering over the ending point of a curve.

Flyingshapes Tutorial Spotlight

There is also a new Flyingshapes tutorial out. In this new video, advanced techniques are explored such as:

  • Creating spokes with rotational copy
  • Moving the content of entire layers at once
  • Duplicating while mirroring

Watch the video here.

The tutorial playlist is also available for those who might want a refresher.

Sources: Press materials received from the company and additional information gleaned from the company’s website.

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