MachineWorks GPU on Display at IMTS

MachineWorks GPU is a new version of MachineWorks that uses the high numbers of cores in modern GPUs to accelerate overall simulation performance.

MachineWorks GPU is a new version of MachineWorks that uses the high numbers of cores in modern GPUs to accelerate overall simulation performance.

Examples of MachineWorks GPU simulation results. Image courtesy of MachineWorks.

MachineWorks Ltd will display the latest developments for MachineWorks and Polygonica at IMTS, September 9th–14, Chicago.

MachineWorks GPU is a new version of MachineWorks that takes advantage of the high numbers of cores in modern GPUs to accelerate overall simulation performance. It is targeted for release in 2025 as part of MachineWorks 9.0.

“Having developed early prototypes more than a decade ago, we have been watching the development of GPU hardware closely,” says Dr Fenqiang Lin, managing director of MachineWorks. “GPGPU has become more mature and, with advances in AI LLMs [artificial intelligence large language models], it is clear that massively parallel hardware will become a commodity item.”

MachineWorks 8.6 has a range of new functionality, including creation of swept volumes for portions of or entire toolpaths, end-position engagement surfaces for cutting force analysis and improved support for gear hobbing, d'Andrea turning and eccentric turning.

At IMTS previews of the upcoming Polygonica 3.4 release will also be available, with the full range of new functionality on display at Formnext, Frankfurt in November.

Show Displays

IMTS, Chicago, September 9-14, East Building, Level 3, Booth 135808

Formnext, Frankfurt, November 19-22, Hall 11 Stand C2

Sources: Press materials received from the company and additional information gleaned from the company’s website.

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