GIGAPRIZE 2024 Up and Running

The Gigaprize is a competition that re:3D runs to support individuals and groups committed to building community.

The Gigaprize is a competition that re:3D runs to support individuals and groups committed to building community.

Gigabot 4 3D printer. Image courtesy of re:3D.

The Gigaprize is a competition that re:3D runs to support individuals and groups committed to building community. For every 100 printers re:3D sells, the organization reports it will donate one Gigabot large-format, industrial filament 3D printer to an individual or organization that will use it for a good cause.

How to Apply

Make a short video (~3 minutes) explaining how you or your organization would benefit from receiving a Gigabot 4 3D printer. After you upload it to the re:3D website via the application form, re:3D will add it to its YouTube channel. Questions to consider: What would the re:3D technology enable you to do? What would it mean for your organization and its mission? What impact would it have on your community? High production quality is not expected–you can shoot the video on your cell phone.

Applications are due by 11:59 PM (CST) December 9, 2024. re:3D will announce the winner of the competition on New Year’s Day 2025 and deliver a Gigabot 4 3D printer to them within 8 weeks. Those interested can apply here.

How to Win

Apply early and tell your friends. When re:3D receives the link to your video, the judges will have access to it. They will evaluate submissions according to the following criteria: originality of your proposed use of the printer and its potential impact on your community; feasibility of your proposal; and your demonstrated drive and dedication. re:3D will also consider the total number of views of your video on YouTube as well as the total number of likes it receives. We will tally views and likes through the contest deadline on December 9, so re:3D recommends posting your video as early as possible.

Terms & Conditions

re:3D reserves the right to remove any videos that contain offensive content or that are significantly longer than 3 minutes. The winning Gigabot will ship in early 2025. Shipping and duty costs will be paid by re:3D. In lieu of a Gigabot 4, the winner may elect to receive store credit towards another 3D printer such as a Gigabot X or a Terabot, or else towards 3D printing services provided by re:3D. Questions can be directed to

Judging Process

An external team of impartial judges with a range of experience and expertise will evaluate applications for the Gigaprize during the second half of December. The lineup this year includes Ryan Murray, project lead for Gigaprize 2023, now with McKinsey & Co.; Luke Ellis, formerly of Brookwood in Georgetown, re:3D's 2023 winner, and now with Indeed; David Riley of IYRS; Pam Szmara of Pamton 3D; Joe Laszlo of Shoptalk; Madelyn Morgan, circular economy program manager for the city of Austin; and artist Gus Berga.

re:3D has a roster of judges lined up for the competition, but is seeking more. If you’re interested in joining as a judge for this year’s prize, reach out to Michael Pregill at

Sources: Press materials received from the company and additional information gleaned from the company’s website.

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