Fathom & Evolve Additive Solutions Enter into Commercialization Partnership

Fathom will be the first provider of Evolve's additive technology, Selective Thermoplastic Electrophotographic Process, in North America, according to the companies.

Fathom will be the first provider of Evolve's additive technology, Selective Thermoplastic Electrophotographic Process, in North America, according to the companies.

Fathom Digital Manufacturing Company has entered into a commercialization partnership with Evolve Additive Solutions. Under the partnership, Fathom will be the first provider of Evolve's additive manufacturing technology, Selective Thermoplastic Electrophotographic Process (STEP), in North America, according to the companies.

Fathom's customer relationships, industry expertise, and outcome-focused approach will enable the advancement of additive STEP technology for the production of plastic parts, the company reports. STEP technology enables the production of thermoplastic parts within hours or days. STEP technology is also an environmentally responsible manufacturing process that reduces carbon footprint by eliminating the need for tooling as well as by reducing warehousing and transportation logistics.

Fathom is addressing global supply chain disruptions that are a threat to productivity and revenue generation by fully leveraging over 25 in-house agile manufacturing services across 12 nationwide manufacturing sites that allow the Company's customers to consolidate and simplify their supply chains. Since the early 2000s, Fathom has been a pioneer of additive manufacturing much like the STEP technology to propel product innovation forward, and is committed to investing in the latest additive and advanced manufacturing technologies. Additionally, the Evolve SVP (Scaled Volume Production) platform delivers throughput that is designed to operate at fast speeds.

“As a nearly 20-year veteran of this industry, I've seen the evolution of additive moving from prototype to low-volume production. I feel strongly that STEP technology will accelerate the adoption of additive manufacturing for scaled volume production of plastic parts,” says Rich Stump, co-founder and chief commercial officer of Fathom.

“With these additional investments in the future of digital manufacturing, Fathom is uniquely positioned to serve the comprehensive, end-to-end product development and production needs of the largest and most innovative companies in the world,” says Ryan Martin, CEO of Fathom.

Evolve Additive Solutions SVP platform

STEP technology was developed for speed and scale to offer a manufacturing solution for producing thermoplastic parts. These technologies are capable of meeting the rigorous demands of customers in the aerospace, automotive, industrial, medical and consumer sectors.

Fathom Digital Manufacturing will use STEP technology and its in-house capabilities of over 530 advanced manufacturing systems across plastic and metal additive technologies, CNC machining, injection molding and tooling, precision sheet metal fabrication, and design engineering to help companies bridge supply chain gaps.

Sources: Press materials received from the company and additional information gleaned from the company’s website.

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