AIMS Connect Job Management Software Available

Production control tool designed to reduce cost for tool manufacturer, company reports.

Production control tool designed to reduce cost for tool manufacturer, company reports.

AIMS Connect is intended as an entry point into digital manufacturing. Image courtesy of ANCA CNC Machines.

ANCA CNC Machines, a company dedicated to CNC grinding technology, announces the launch of AIMS Connect, a job management and production control software designed to benefit tool manufacturing by optimizing processes, the company reports.

“AIMS Connect offers a flexible and customizable solution for tool manufacturers looking to increase efficiency, improve quality, and reduce costs,” says Steffen Kluth, ANCA product manager.

“Our goal is to make digital manufacturing accessible to everyone, and with AIMS Connect, we are helping our customers embark on a journey toward a fully integrated smart factory, step by step.”

Key features and benefits of AIMS Connect:

  • Centralized machine file management: Offers a single source of truth for tool manufacturing data, reducing errors and inconsistencies.
  • ERP/MES connectivity: Facilitates faster setup times and reduced manual data handling, improving overall operational efficiency.
  • Production control and optimization: Enhances tool quality and consistency across batches through robust process monitoring.
  • Legacy machine integration: Enables seamless integration with existing equipment, minimizing disruption and reducing costs.
  • Worker guidance system: Provides clear instructions and guidance, boosting workforce productivity and lowering training requirements.

AIMS Connect is intended as an entry point into digital manufacturing, emphasizing the logical connection of machines and systems, the company reports. It delivers transparent, verifiable processes, featuring a worker guidance system that informs employees about production stages and task schedules. Each tool is described in a job order process, ensuring quality through defined compensation strategies and logical frameworks.

ANCA's AIMS Automate transforms tool manufacturing into an integrated smart factory. AIMS Automate autonomously adapts to production changes. With the mobile robot, AutoFetch, it manages tool pallet transfers, from raw materials to finished products.

To learn more about AIMS Connect, visit

Sources: Press materials received from the company and additional information gleaned from the company’s website.

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