Shapeways Enters Global CNC Market

With the launch of CNC Instant Quote, Shapeways customers can access a  range of metal and plastic materials.

With the launch of CNC Instant Quote, Shapeways customers can access a  range of metal and plastic materials.

Shapeways Holdings, Inc. has expanded into the USD $67.5B global computer numeric control (CNC) market, with the launch of its new CNC Instant Quote feature. This online quoting portal will provide access for CNC customers and enhance Shapeways’ suite of enterprise manufacturing solutions.

With the launch of CNC Instant Quote, Shapeways customers can access a  range of metal and plastic materials, like aluminum and ABS, and capacity—with over 50 high-precision machines ready to support prototype and production orders.

Computer numeric control (CNC) machining is known for its precision, efficiency and accuracy in mass production, and is used across industries like robotics, automotive, medical and more. The global CNC market is projected to reach USD$80.4 billion by 2028, at a steady 3.5% compound annual growth rate, says MarketsandMarkets.

This expanded capability reinforces Shapeways’ commitment to its enterprise go-to-market strategy of supporting companies across the globe with their supply chain challenges through flexibility in production. In 2023, Shapeways Enterprise Manufacturing Solutions saw growth in its large, multi-million-dollar automotive and robotics verticals. CNC machining, along with the company’s lineup of metal and polymer additive manufacturing and injection molding, will continue to open growth opportunities in 2024, the company reports.

About Shapeways

Shapeways is a global provider of digital manufacturing, combining additive and traditional technologies with software solutions designed for other manufacturers and their customers, reducing costs and improving supply chains. Partnering with hundreds of companies engaged in industrial applications like automotive, medical and transportation, as well as aerospace and defense, Shapeways helps them scale their businesses, solve complex problems in product development, and achieve manufacturing milestones.

Sources: Press materials received from the company and additional information gleaned from the company’s website.

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