L’Oréal Selects AMFG’s Additive MES Software to Streamline Its AM Workflows

AMFG’s MES software enables L'Oréal to optimize order handling and accelerate prototypes turnaround.

AMFG’s MES software enables L'Oréal to optimize order handling and accelerate prototypes turnaround.

L’Oréal has implemented AMFG’s ordering portal, instant price calculation software and data visualization tools, to simplify the internal ordering of prototypes from engineers and designers. Image courtesy of AMFG.

AMFG, provider of MES and workflow automation software for additive manufacturing (AM), has announced that L'Oréal, a personal care brand, has chosen AMFG’s MES software to optimize rapid prototyping workflows at its 3D printing lab.  

With its 3D printing volumes increasing, L'Oréal has decided to invest in a solution that can support this growth and selected AMFG’s software as its 3D printing workflow management platform.

“Considering our 3D printing volumes of thousands of parts per year, investing in an additive MES has been a natural step for us. We chose AMFG for its vast functionality and the ability to customise it to our needs,” says Matthew Forrester, additive technical manager at L'Oréal.

L'Oréal has implemented AMFG’s ordering portal, instant price calculation software and data visualization tools, to simplify the internal ordering of prototypes from engineers and designers.

Using AMFG’s ordering portal, engineers and designers at L'Oréal can easily order and reorder 3D-printed parts, as well as track the status of their orders online.

The backend system also empowers 3DLab assistants to track incoming requests, price 3D parts using custom pricing formulae and visualize 3D designs. The latter allows anybody in the team to quickly check 3D files before placing orders.

Using AMFG’s software, engineers can convert files into multiple file formats without having to use any file conversion software and automatically analyze and repair the most common file errors.

Digitizing the ordering workflow will go a long way to help L'Oréal automate manual processes, standardize the order submission process and create a better user experience for internal users of AM.

“Integrating AMFG’s software allows us to automate previously manual and time-consuming processes, like 3D parts ordering,” says Matthew Forrester. “This, in turn, helps us to improve the efficiency of our 3DLabs and ensures that our engineers and designers get prototypes in the fastest way possible.”

“Rapid prototyping remains the most common 3D printing use case,” adds Danny Winn, VP of Growth and Innovation at AMFG. “RP departments at large companies, like L'Oréal, face a lot of challenges when it comes to submitting and managing 3D printing requests. Our workflow automation software helps to reduce the time spent on manual submission tasks and automates the process of analyzing and pricing AM orders. We’re honored to partner with L'Oréal and provide our workflow automation solution that helps them streamline their rapid prototyping workflow.” 

Sources: Press materials received from the company and additional information gleaned from the company’s website.

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