Keynote Speaker Announced for the ASSESS Summit 2025

The 9th annual ASSESS Summit in Atlanta, GA, will allow attendees to help shape the future of engineering simulation.

The 9th annual ASSESS Summit in Atlanta, GA, will allow attendees to help shape the future of engineering simulation.

Image courtesy of NAFEMS.

NAFEMS, the Modelling & Simulation Community, has announced the first keynote for its upcoming ASSESS Summit 2025, taking place in Atlanta, GA, March 10-12, 2025.

Dr. Carmen Torres-Sanchez, PhD, CEng, FHEA, MIMechE, leads the Multifunctional Materials Manufacturing Lab at Loughborough University, UK. Her work sits at the interface of mechanical, chemical, bioengineering, materials science and embedded intelligence. Her multidisciplinary lab works in the design, manufacture and validation (in- and ex-silico) of structures and materials with coupled functionalities (e.g., structural and biological; acoustic, and lightweight). Collaboration with industry has seen innovations applied in sectors such as automotive, food technology, and medical devices.

The ASSESS Summit is the thinktank for engineering analysis and simulation, which will guide and shape the direction of the industry.

There are key players from the consulting world, software development, global industrial users, government agencies, and elite academia.

Keynote announcements will be made in the coming weeks.

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Sources: Press materials received from the company and additional information gleaned from the company’s website.

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