HBM Releases nCode 12

New vibration and composite analysis capabilities are now available.

HBM nCode, a provider of durability, test and analysis software, has launched version 12 of its flagship software. Features have been added for vibration and acoustics analysis, composite static failure criteria and access to ReliaSoft products.

In version 12, VibeSys is a new data processing system that can help users satisfy sound, comfort and regulatory requirements. It can help assess structural dynamics, human perception, root cause of noise or vibration problems.

nCode DesignLife also has a new composite analysis option to evaluate structure strength against industry standard composite static failure criteria.

The release also introduces compatibility with Prenscia Access, a unified licensing model that provides annual leased access to nCode and ReliaSoft product portfolios. The company is also managing nCode software licenses through LM-X License Manager starting with nCode 12.

“This latest release reinforces our commitment to developing technologically advanced solutions that our end-users are asking for,”said Jon Aldred, director of Product Management for HBM nCode. “The new solutions available with nCode 12 enable customers to solve a range of engineering challenges in an intuitive environment that is completely independent of any data acquisition hardware.”

For more information, visit HBM nCode.

Sources: Press materials received from the company and additional information gleaned from the company’s website.

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