ASTM International Announces AM Data Strategic Guide with America Makes

ASTM also debuts Insight Video, new data subcommittee.

ASTM also debuts Insight Video, new data subcommittee.

ASTM International’s Additive Manufacturing Center of Excellence (AM CoE), in collaboration with America Makes, debuted a strategic guide that identifies gaps, challenges, solutions and action plans for additive manufacturing (AM) data.


The strategic guide comes as a result of a December 2019 workshop on additive manufacturing data management and schema that was jointly organized by ASTM International and America Makes held in Washington DC area. The workshop brought more than 100 experts from government, industry, academia together for a series of technical talks, panel discussions and brainstorming sessions related to data in AM.


Recent developments in digital data acquisition, analysis, machine learning and artificial intelligence, and modeling could quickly accelerate the AM development timeline. However, this growth has yet to be observed.

“A key and large gap in the development of an AM data ecosystem is how to easily and securely generate, store, analyze, and share critical and vital data,” says Mohsen Seifi, Ph.D, ASTM International’s director of global additive manufacturing programs. “A sub-gap is the consistency of the data that is gathered across multiple groups.”

“This strategic guide attempts to address series of gaps and provide solutions and potential action plans to address the gaps,” according to Mahdi Jamshidinia, Ph.D., ASTM International’s additive manufacturing R&D project manager. “The guide provides a summary of discussions during the workshop and can be used by all industry stakeholders and AM experts who want to participate in the development of an AM data ecosystem and contribute to standardization.”

“The guide highlights the importance of data management and data principles which will benefit the broader AM supply chain, and will serve as a resource to strengthen collaboration and ease the challenges common to AM data sharing,” said Brandon Ribic, Technology Director of America Makes. “We are grateful to all who worked on this effort and believe this guide compliments the efforts of the AMSC and America Makes’ technology maturation strategic objectives.”

In addition to the guide, the AM CoE debuted a new video on data management that features interviews with key voices throughout the AM field. To watch the new video, visit

Another outcome of the workshop was the creation of a new subcommittee on data (F42.08) within ASTM International’s additive manufacturing technologies committee (F42). The subcommittee will develop and perform value-stream mapping to identify the needs, processes, tools, opportunities, and dependencies required to obtain complete digital thread understanding.

This new subcommittee will provide a home for AM data experts where key standards activities can be coordinated, prioritized, and developed,” according to Alex Kitt, Ph.D., product manager at EWI and chair of the new subcommittee. Standardization of AM common data dictionary (CDD) is one of the initial documents that the sub-committee is currently working on.

To learn more about ASTM International membership, click here. 

For more information on the AM CoE and download this strategic guide, click here. 

Sources: Press materials received from the company and additional information gleaned from the company’s website.

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