ASSESS Summit 2024 Announced

Top-level figures in industry, government and academia will come together at next year's summit in Georgia.

Top-level figures in industry, government and academia will come together at next year's summit in Georgia.

ASSESS Summit 2024 is the thinktank for engineering analysis and simulation. Image courtesy of ASSESS and NAFEMS.

The NAFEMS ASSESS Initiative aims to help shape the medium to long-term future of engineering analysis and simulation, for the benefit of everyone involved.

Top-level figures in industry, government, and academia, will come together for an interactive leadership summit in Atlanta, GA, March 4-6, 2024, the ASSESS Summit 2024.

This is the thinktank for engineering analysis and simulation, which will help guide the direction of the industry for years to come.

Keynote speakers include the following: 

  • A​lison Main, Procter & Gamble, “Modeling: Mastery, Marketing & Making Decisions!”
  • Karen E. Willcox, Oden Institute for Computational Engineering and Sciences, The University of Texas at Austin, “Reduced-Order Models as Enablers for Design, Control and Predictive Digital Twins”

At the summit, attendees will find key players from the consulting world, software development, global industrial users, government agencies and elite academia. The community of model-based analysis, simulation and systems engineering looks to NAFEMS through initiatives like ASSESS to lead the industry toward the future, and the ASSESS Summit helps deliver that guidance, Summit organizers report.

Places are limited. The meeting will cover all of the main ASSESS Themes during interactive workshops, reporting findings and recommendations to the plenary and, ultimately, the simulation world.

For more details and to register, click here.

Think you should be involved in ASSESS? 

Take a look at the theme committees and opportunities available to the right individuals.

Sources: Press materials received from the company and additional information gleaned from the company’s website.

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